Moribian k'Toji took off his helmet and shook loose his long hair. He
was seven and a half feet tall, average for a Venusian male, large and muscular.
And like Pike, he had scars. His went diagonally from his eyebrow to his
left side so his chin. It gave him a cruel but handsome face. Though he
and Rider came up together through rank in the Senate's army, they never
met until the last mission of the Qualien War. Rider or Memphis, as she
was known then, was second in command on that mission. And it went sour.
The targets were disposed of, but at a great loss. Moribian, Pike and Rider
were the only ones who came out alive. Barely. Upon discharge, they decided
to sell their services and talents to the highest bidder.
"Man, that was along time ago. Such a long time ago." He hunched
over the handlebars. Mori liked Rider. Liked her too much.
The tiny monitor flashed inside his helmet. He rode off at light speed.
In a recently abandoned tenement, on the far side of Chicago, DarkRider
dipped her hands in a sink full of water and splashed some on her face.
She always liked the feel of water even though Venus is devoid of the element.
She remembered the time an uncle of hers, a galaxy traveler, brought back
a vat of it from one of his trips. It was a gift for his only brother, Memphis'
"What is it, Uncle?"
"It's called water. It's one of the elements of Earth." He dipped
the girl's silver talons into the vat. Then put some on her face. Memphis
never felt anything like it.
"Oooooh!" He smiled at her. "One day, Uncle, I will go to
Earth, and I will live in this water."
"HaHa. You can't live in water, child. You don't have gills."
"You need them to breathe in water. Anyway, you'll learn all about
gills in school. Now, this is very precious. Don't waste it."
He stayed the night and left the next day. She never saw him again. He died
a year later on Uranus. Her mother had given her a little flask to wear
around her neck. She could fill it with whatever she desired. She filled
it with drops of the precious water and had worn it ever since.
She looked out the window. <Modo> That big gray mouse had been on
her mind since their first encounter. There was something about him. <Something
gentle and loyal. He seemed slower to fuse off than the other two. There
was something... comfortable about him. > She sighed. <C'mon, Memphis,
let's face it. It's that muscular body that's gotten next to you. And good-looking
too. Real good-looking. > Then she laughed out loud. "What in all
of the galaxy makes you think he'd want anything to do with you. You've
been hired to kill him, remember. You're a gun for hire."
Memphis sat down on the dirty floor next to her bike. She pulled a piece
of paper from her jacket. It had been read and folded many times. She unfolded
it again.
<The bounty has probably gone up by now. Jupiter doesn't like when their
charges escape. > She folded the paper and put it back in her pocket.
"If Limburger gets a hold of..."
"...This is extremely interesting doctor. Limburger had unrolled the
wanted poster Karbunkle brought back with him. "Umm." He started
to read aloud line by line.
"Female? This marauding motorcycle mercenary of the galaxy is a woman?"
"550,000,000 droyets. Dead or Alive. How absolutely perfect. GREASEPIT!!!"
"Youse wanna me, boss?"
"No, I most certainly do not want to see you. But right now, I have
no other choice. Where is that feebleminded fortune hunter and his gang
of goons?"
"Uh, dey's in da basement."
"Then let's descend, post haste. There is a business deal to be made
some mice to be mashed and a Venusian vixen to be ventilated. The big Plutarkian
laughed as he and his slimy attendants stepped onto a platform and rode
down to the basement below.
"I am here, Memphis."
Rider snapped out of her reverie and spun around.
"I'm sorry." Said Mori "I shouldn't have called you by your
name. I thought you were alone."
"Hello Mori. I am alone." They embraced. "How are you old
"It is I who should be asking you that question."
"A little older. A little wiser. A little scared too. "
"You? Scared?"
"Scared to death. Scared of going back to prison."
"How did you get out?"
"Gods. So you are now retained?"
"The mice are my prey. As, I assume, I am now yours."
"I never thought it would come to this. That I would be hunting you."
"You have no other choice. I can't pay my debt. I can't kill him."
"Them. I mean them. The mice. I can't kill the Martian Cave Mice."
Memphis sat down on the floor again. Moribian sat down beside her. "You
owe the mice nothing. What is the problem?"
"I'm tired, Mori. I'm old. I want to go home. I just want to sit in
my garden for the rest of my days."
He stared at her. "You said 'Him'. Who is Him?"
"I said I don't want to kill the cave mice."
"Memphis, don't play games with me. Who is Him?"
She sighed. "His name is Modo."
"I don't understand."
"I.... There's something about him that.... that pleases me."
"Pleases you. Tell me, you are joking."
"I do not joke Mori"
"You puzzle me Rider."
"Never mind. I told you. I'm tired."
"No, I won't accept that. There's more to this. You're a hunter, for
galaxy sakes. You're the best. In all the years we've been together, you've
never lost a prey."
"I can't explain it, Mori."
"Can't or won't"
Memphis turned on him, fangs bared. "All right. Won't then. I don't
have to answer to you or anyone."
"Jupiter has changed you."
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell. I really can't explain it. I just
don't want to hurt him. Or his friends."
"Mem... I mean Rider..."
She waved her hand. "It doesn't matter about my name. It will soon
be known anyway. I told Charley. The Earth woman. She is my friend."
Moribian stood up. "Are you out of your mind? There's a price on
your head. " He grabbed her by the collar and yanked her to her
feet. "What has gotten into you?"
"Let go of me. I told you. I'm getting old, Mori. Too old for this.
I'm tired. I want to settle down."
"Creatures like us don't settle down. We're killers. And when killers
get old, they're put down."
She ignored that. "In earth years, I'll be 50. I should be playing
with my grandchildren or something." She paused. " If I had grandchildren."
"We could have had grandchildren."
She decided to change the subject. "Where's Pike?"
"Rider, I..."
"Where is HE?"
Moribian sighed. "At Limburger Tower. You hurt him pretty bad."
"That Plutarkian lackey. I'm going to hurt him worse, when I get near
"Look, I didn't mean to be so rough. I've missed you. I thought I would
never see you again. I thought you were executed. I.... We need you. The
squad is disoriented and we fight among ourselves all the time."
"Sounds like the way Pike would run things. Why am I not surprised?"
Moribian took her in his arms. "I know my bond carries over. But, what
ever happens, I've got your back."
"I know. You are a true friend, Mori. Thank you." She moved away
from him.
Moribian felt dejected. He sighed. "Tell me more about this Modo."
"I know nothing of him. I just have a feeling."
"I always wondered when you or Albvia would become attracted to a target."
He regretted his words as soon as they left his mouth. <Damn. That was
stupid. >
"Oh, like you never would."
"I'm sorry. That was a dumb thing to say."
"Yes it was. Let's go see Pike. Though I'm sure he doesn't want to
see me."
"Charley, all I am saying is, You should have told us what you were
doing. If something had gone wrong. We could have been there to protect
you." Said Throttle as Charley poked the wrench she was holding into
his chest. "I know you don't need my permission to go out. Bad choice
of words."
"Sweetheart, you could have been hurt or taken hostage or something.
Then I would have to play the hero and rescue you. Again." Vinnie stood
in the middle of the room as if he were on stage. "There'd I'd be.
Vincent Van Wham. Up against the DarkRider alone. Saving the damsel in distress
and the whole universe at the same time. Women every where would fall at
my feet. They.... OW!" Vinnie rubbed the side of his helmet and looked
down as Charley's wrench clattered to the floor.
"Heh, heh. Vincent, my young friend. You have alot to learn about women."
"Even YOU don't have that much patience, Modo." Said Charley.
"Look you adorable fur-balls. I appreciate your concern. Even you,
you blow-hard. But I was never in any danger. I knew she wouldn't hurt me.
Especially after she returned Modo's arm and saved us from Pike."
Vinnie looked at her. "What a min. SHE? The DarkRider is a...."
"Memphis Rhyme is a woman?" interrupted Throttle.
"Yes. I was surprised too. "
"It just never...all this time I thought it was a man." Throttle
looked at Charley sheepishly. "I guess my macho pride just wouldn't
let me believe a woman could be that cold blooded."
"Throttle, YOU have a lot to learn about women. But anyway, tell me
about her. I mean her DarkRider persona."
"I've seen some of his...her handiwork. She's neat and very thorough.
Never leaves a trace. But you know it's her. No one else in the galaxy is
that blood thirsty." Throttle sat on his bike. "I not sure about
this change in her tune. And I don't trust it. And yet, I keep wondering
why she hasn't taken us out."
"That's why the fat cheese brought in those bikers. She had a shot
at us twice, and blew it."
"But why? There must be more to this than just wanting to give up the
"I don't know. She didn't say, except that she wants to retire. She
wants to go home."
"Charley, The DarkRider is dangerous. If she wants off this planet.
I will be glad to oblige. Either transport her back or let Jupiter take
her. But she's got to go."
"So let's find her and send her back. Then take care of those wrench
heads that Limburger brought in." Said Modo.
"Can't we just talk..."
"No talk, Charley-girl. We're sending that hit-bimbo back to Jupiter
where she belongs." said Vinnie.
"I hear that bro." Said Throttle as he donned his helmet and Vinnie
and Modo grabbed their helmets. "Let's rock `n'..."
"Oh no, I'm going with you. I won't let you near her until you've heard
what she has to say." Charley grabbed her helmet.
"Don't you DARE argue with me." Charley put her face close
to Vinnie's. "And if you throw me off this bike, fuzz-face, I'll take
that fabulous tail of yours and wrap it around your neck. Twice!"
"Whoa." said Modo and Throttle together. Vinnie blushed as he
wrapped his tail around her waist and set her down gently on the seat.
"Let's rock...." Said Charley
"'n' RIDE!"
The two mercenaries heard the bikes before they saw them.
"The cave mice. I know the sound of their engines. Stay behind me Rider.
"Just stay behind me." Moribian pulled the shotgun from under
his coat. Just as Memphis withdrew hers, she saw her new friend, Charley,
on the back of that white mouse's bike.
"No, wait. Charley's with them. It's okay."
"MEMPHIS! They're gonna waste us. What's the matter with you?"
"No. We can work this out. Let's talk to them"
"TALK to them?! Rider, you're supposed to kill them, remember.
They don't know that you've gone soft or changed your mind or whatever.
Galaxy sakes, woman! I don't understand you anymore."
"Mori, I'm not going through this again."
He looked at her in disbelief. "You think they're going to protect
you from the Plutarkian. You think the Galaxy States won't find you here?
That Limburger won't betray you?"
"Moribian, what are you talking about?"
"This is crazy. "
The mice roared corner. "Hold up Bros." Said Throttle.
"Hey, this is unexpected." Said Modo as he raised his bionic arm.
"Well, well. They must have read our minds."
"Yeah" said Vinnie. "And saved us gas. Now we didn't have
to go looking for them."
Moribian leveled his shotgun at them and cocked the trigger.
"Looks like they want to party too" Vinnie twirled his Martian
blaster with his tail. "Shall we oblige?"
"Battle mode, bros."
"No" said Charley as she got off of Vinnie's bike.
Memphis holstered her shotgun and put her hand on the barrel of Mori's.
"Put it away Mori. You won't need it."
"I don't trust them."
" Trust me. I'll meet you at the tower. You better go."
"And leave you to them?"
"Don't worry. "
<Damn her. > He sighed. "Anything happens to this woman. You
will answer to me."
"Ans...." said Modo
"Charley, where..." said Vinnie as he wrapped his tail around
her waist.
"Let me go Vinnie."
"Let me go. Please."
Vinnie removed his tail and Charley walked over to the big alien. "Nothing
will happen to her. I promise. Memphis and I are friends. Friends don't
let other friends get hurt."
Moribian stared at the earth woman, then holstered his shotgun. He looked
at Rider.
"You're sure you'll be alright?"
"Yes. I'll be fine."
"You know what to do if you need me."
She touched his hand. "Yes, Mori. I know you're there for me."
"It's a good thing you were here, Charley. Moribian would have taken
all four of you out." said Memphis.
"He is rather scary."
"Hah. Not as scary as Pike." She looked past Charley to the three
mice still sitting on their bikes. They were ready to fire upon her at a
moment's notice. "I must scare your friends too."
"Come meet them."
"I've already met them."
"You met them as The DarkRider. Not as who you really are."
"Same difference." Memphis sucked in her breath and got off her
motorcycle. She walked straight up to Modo. Took off her helmet and put
it under her arm. She extended her hand. "My name is Memphis."
He nearly fell over. He saw the diamond in Memphis' pale blue forehead sparkled
in the glow of the street lamp. Her black eyes wide as she looked at him.
She took off her glove and extended her hand. The big gray mouse was speechless.
Modo looked down at the six slender fingers with their tiny silver bands.
Then he looked into her beautiful face again. He got off his bike and removed
his helmet. He took her hand in his. "Modo. My name is Modo."
Suddenly there was no one on the street. No one but them. Throttle, Vinnie,
Charley, they all disappeared. It was just Modo and this beautiful creature.
He looked at her hand again. It seemed so small and delicate resting in
his. Her eyes were big and round. He took in the ten tiny diamonds in her
pointed ears. Around her slender neck was a thin silver band with a tiny
flask attached to it. Her black leather jacket was zipped part of the way
down. He could just make out the top of her breast. But he could tell they
were full-size and firm.
"It's a pleasure to meet you Modo." She said as she bowed. Her
voice was like music filling the air. His air.
"Uh, pleasure to meet you, Miss Memphis-ma'am."
The Rider smiled. "Just Memphis" Modo didn't want to let go. He
didn't want her to move. He never wanted to stop looking at her. He had
never seen anyone or anything like her. Memphis gently removed her hand
from his.
Throttle, Vinnie and Charley were back. And he was back on the planet Earth.
He didn't know where he was just a second ago. But what he wouldn't give
to go back there again.
She walked over to Vinnie. Again she extended her hand. "Memphis."
she said. He saw Charley looking at him over alien's shoulder. He took her
hand. "Vinnie." Again Memphis bowed.
"He's a blowhard, but harmless." said Charley in the alien's ear.
"This is Throttle."
"Throttle. I am Memphis Rhyme."
The mercenary sat upon the same table, by the door, as she did at their
first meeting. Her shotgun was still holstered. The mice surrounded her
bike with their own. Vinnie and Throttle sat backwards in chairs directly
in front of her. Modo leaned against another table. He couldn't take his
eyes off her. Charley leaned against the same table the Rider was sitting
"Am I a hostage?" she asked.
"No. Just a precaution, lady. Sorry. I just don't buy your story."
"C'mon bro. Give the lady a chance. We need all the friends we can
"You consider her a friend Modo?"
"She might be. Let's find out."
"Did it ever occur to you that this might be a setup?"
"Is that what you think son. That I set you up?"
Throttle pointed his finger at her. "You were brought here to vape
us, lady. You owe Limburger your life. You told us that yourself. If you
don't kill us, he'll have you killed. By your own gang of killers. So you
try to make us believe that you are really on our side. Our guard is down.
It's all over and you go home. What would you think?"
"Hey, Throttle. Gentlemen do not point their fingers at a lady."
said Modo.
"What La...."
"Don't even think it, bro."
"It's all right Modo." Memphis smiled softly at him. He could
feel himself blush. He hoped no one noticed. No one did. Except for Charley.
"I would think just what you're thinking now, son. I can't argue with
your logic."
"Miss Memphis-ma'am, why....?'
"Memphis. Just Memphis."
"Memphis. Why did you return my arm? You could have kept it or taken
it back to that crazed deviant, Karbunkle."
"Why would I give it to Karbunkle?"
"He's the one who...." started Charley.
"Never mind why you would." said Vinnie. "Just tell us why
you didn't"
"I saw you get hurt at the tower. You were trying to get to me when
your bike crashed. I just felt.... you needed your arm. I can't justify
my actions.
"What about your other actions. Can you justify them."
"I did what I was paid to do, Throttle. Not all of my targets were
sweet innocent beings. I did work for the cave mice too. Not all you were
peaceful. You have scum just like every other planet."
"I know. But that doesn't condone what you did."
"Did I ask you for a sanction?" She got off the table. "
Look gentlemen. I am in earnest. I don't want to do this. Believe me, I
just want it over with. I was safe for awhile. But I knew someday I would
have to pay up. But, well, I do not want to hurt you. Any of you. Limburger
has other plans. I'm stuck here until I do something. And I do not know
what to do. OKAY!"
Charley took Throttle's arm. They went to the far side of the garage. Charley
whispered. "I know this is hard for you. She's done a lot bad things.
For money. I'm not blind to that. But, I trust her. I think we all can trust
"I can't, Charley. "
"But Throttle, don't you see? Can't you see. That's why Limburger called
in Pike. Memphis isn't doing the job."
"Tan mouse, there's no way I can convince you." Memphis was beginning
to get annoyed. "And I'm tired of trying." She looked at Modo.
Her eyes showed a touch of sadness. "So I give up. But you just might
need my assistance in getting rid of Pike."
"Oh, come on."
"If you remember. I told this young mouse...." Memphis pointed
to Vinnie "...that you've met the best hunter there is. Me. But you
hadn't met the meanest. Well now you have. You've met Pike."
"Meanest , schmeanest." said Vinnie. "I'm not afraid of him."
"You should be, son. You should be."
"What makes him so scary?" asked Charley.
Pike would sell his soul for money. I took him on because of his ruthlessness.
He proved that during the war. You have to be ruthless in this business.
But he is also reckless. And in this business, you can't be reckless. That
will get you killed. He doesn't care. You care about your squad. You watch
their back, they watch yours. Pike watches none but himself. Pike will get
them killed. Hound, Mori & Albvia do not know him like I do. I fear
for their lives."
"So, let them quit. They aren't bonded to him."
"But they are. As they were to me." she sighed. "He runs
things now. Their bond carries over."
"Who's the clown with the chains?" asked Vinnie.
"Moribian k'Toji. And he's not a clown. Believe me. The man can handle
a shotgun. The chains were just to keep Modo out of the way for awhile.
He wouldn't have hurt you Modo. He was obeying Pike's orders. " She
shook her head and said quietly. "I don't know why he's in this business.
He doesn't have the heart for it. He thinks he does. But...."
"Didn't look like that to me."
"I speak the truth. Mori can kill. But he dwells on it, afterwards.
It tears him up inside. He doesn't have the blood lust. Otherwise, Modo,
I'm afraid you would be dead now."
"Has he changed too?" asked Throttle sarcastically.
"I don't know. Mori's loyal to the squad. He may not feel right about
what he's doing. But he won't go against the squad . Not even for me. Though
he did try to convince me that he would. And maybe he would try. But Pike
would kill him." Throttle looked at her curiously. "Look, for
whatever reason, Charley trusts you. I trust Charley. That is the ONLY reason
why I'm even listening to you. I just want you gone."
"That make two of us. Throttle." said Memphis angrily.
Modo broke his stare from Rider and looked at Throttle. "That's enough,
bro. I think you need to change your attitude. The lady is trying."
"Look Modo maybe you think......"
"Throttle, Please." said Charley. "Memphis, What are you
going to do now?"
"Find Pike. I can't make a move till I get past Pike."
"Do you have somewhere to stay?" asked Modo.
"She can stay here."
"STAY HERE! Are you nuts, Charley. Limburger will find her here."
said Throttle.
"He's right. It wouldn't be wise. But thanks anyway." agreed Memphis
Charley folded her arms. "So where is she going to stay then? With
you guys? I think not. She stays here."
"No, I really shouldn't..."
"I don't like leaving you alone with her."
"Oh go home, you three. We'll be fine."
Vinnie gently wrapped his tail around Charley's waist and brought her closer
to him. "Charlene, I'm not happy about this. I won't be able to sleep
knowing ..."
"Don't worry handsome. If I'm not, I know you'll come to rescue me.
Again." She smiled at him and tweaked his nose.
Modo took The DarkRider's hand. "Memphis ma' was such a pleasure
to meet you." he said softly. The big gray mouse and the tall alien
stared at each other. Again they were only aware of each other.
"Modo, you coming bro? Modo? MODO!"
He turned, "Hmmm. Oh yeah. Night Charley-ma'am" Modo grabbed his
helmet and jumped on his bike.
"Night you guys."
Rider walked over to the door as the mice roared away and stared into the
empty street.
"You like him, don't you?"
"He is good looking. No?"
"You should see him in a tux."
"What is.... a tux?"
Charley put her arm around Rider. I'll explain later. Now we have to figure
out what to do."
"Right now I must see Pike."
"Memphis, I wish you wouldn't"
"I must settle with him. I'm past my time to do it as it is."
"I know I can't stop you. But at least let me go with you."
"No. I may not be able to protect you. Please. Stay here."
"Memphis........All right, but be careful"
"You are the only Earth person I've met. Is everyone like you? Kind
and trusting?"
"Not hardly. And I'm not always kind. But I do trust my instincts.
My instincts steered right on the guys when they first got here. And they're
steering me right on you."
"I don't understand what you mean. But I won't ruin your faith in me.
That is a promise. Venusian honor. But you and your friends must trust me
enough to do this my way. Play my own game." The DarkRider put on her
helmet and mounted her bike. "I'll be back. "She faded from view.
Charley saw the dust kick up under invisible wheels.
"Commander, if you want this thing out, stay still." Albvia dug
into Pike's shoulder trying to remove the blastdart.
"I would stay still, if you would hurry up. This thing hurts."
"There, it's out." Albvia held the dart up to the light in the
lower depths of Limburger's tower. Her green eyes narrowed. "Yep, this
is Rider's calling card all right. Silver tipped with hooked bristles. Goes
in deep and grabs hold." She looked down at Pike. "She was toying
with you Commander. It could have gone deeper. I would never have gotten
it out. " Albvia tried to suppress a smile. She couldn't stand Pike.
<Though it wouldn't have mattered. You would have been dead anyway.>
"Your luck still holds."
"Just finished up, will you. Your comments don't interest me. Just
patch me up so I can get on with my business. Get my gold and get off this
malignant planet."
"YOUR gold?" said Hound. "Your gold?" Did I miss
something. I thought that Plutarkian said he was going to pay US?"
Hound was a mix breed. Like the rest of the squad he was in the Senate's
Army. He received the Senate medals for marksmanship, and achieved high
rank of the ruby. Hound was bald and his ears were more pointed than the
others were. He wore three small gold earrings in his left ear. Two of his
fingers were missing on one of his hands. Result of a mission gone wrong
on Pluto. And he disliked Pike almost as much as Albvia.
Pike ignored him. " Alb, will you hurry up."
"Oh for galaxy sake. I'm finished." <I should have let you
bleed to death. It would have been my greatest pleasure.>
Albvia was almost as tall as Pike. Her green hair and pale blue skin gave
her a delicate pastel air. But it belied her killer instinct. She wore the
same gold earring as the others, but she wore no jewel in her forehead.
The tattoos on her upper arms show her rank as first grade healer.
"Feeling better, Commander?"
"Where have you been?"
"Rider coming to see you. I guess she remembers the castle."
Pike spun around. "I had nothing to do with that."
Moribian leaned against his bike and folded his arms. He smiled. "I
could be wrong. But I believe she thinks differently."
"And I wonder where she got that idea?"
"You know Commander, that episode with Rider was never full explained
to us."
"Because it's none of your business."
"None of my business. Commander, my apologies, but I differ with you.
If you are at odds with Rider, then you will jeopardize us all."
"Ah, there you are. My failed fortune hunters." said Limburger
as he, Greasepit and Karbunkle got off the lift.
"What do you want, Plutarkian?"
"Hey, dat's Mr. Plurtarkian to youse."
Pike winced as he took his gun out of the holster across his chest and held
it to Greasepit's head. "You are never to speak to me, unless I speak
to you first. You got that petrol-breath?"
"I dink so."
"Now, Plutarkian, what do you want?"
"Oh, just a quiet chat. Possibly a deal."
"I thought we had a deal."
Limburger tossed the wanted poster over to Pike. "What you need is
an incentive, young man. And here it is. I will help dispose of your rival,
if you get rid of those mice."
"I have no rival."
"Oh do excuse me. I thought you and The DarkRider were competing for
leadership of this unruly mob."
Pike gave the poster to Hound, who unrolled it. Albvia and Moribian peered
over his shoulder.
"Great gods of the galaxy. 550,000,000 droyets? They want her bad."
"Hound. We don't turn in our own. Especially not for this smelly over
ripe, fat.." said Albvia
"My dear young lady, think of all that gold. Why... Aaaahhhh!"
Moribian wrapped his chains around Limburger's neck. "Are you deaf
as well as stupid, Plutarkian. We don't turn in our own."
"Mr. Pike, don't you have control over your men. "
"Put the chains away, Mori." Pike sighed. "Let me understand
this. We dust the mice. You pay .......MORI! Put...them...away! We
haven't gotten paid yet." He shook his head. "...You pay us the
Plutarkian gold. You get rid of Rider. And we still collect the droyets.
Am I correct?"
"Do I look like a fool, Limburger"
"Hmm, Now where have I heard that before."
"The Plutarkian plays everyone for fools. That's how he survives. Pike,
you're a fool to believe him." Came that familiar voice. The DarkRider
slowly came into view.
"What?!! Are you back? You vexatious Venusian. You dare come
here, while those mice still live."
"Do you honestly think I'm afraid of you, Limburger. " The DarkRider
rode up to him and grabbed him by his lapels. "Do you think you scare
me, just because you want to have me whacked. And by my own squad?"
" dear Mr., I mean, Ms. Rhyme. You must be mistaken."
"They are no longer your squad Rider." said Pike. "They are
bonded to me."
She dropped Limburger like a bad habit and took her shotgun from its holster.
As she got off her bike. Albvia and Hound jumped immediately in front of
Pike with their weapons raised. "Don't do this, Rider, we will hurt
Hound, if you don't move, I will blow you into the next galaxy."
Hound raised his Venusian shotgun.
"Oh please. Go outside with this. I have enough bullet holes in my
walls as it is." said Limburger. "Please..."
"Didn't any of you ever wonder how I got to Jupiter? Did you ever wonder
what did happen at the castle? Did any of you ever ask him?"
"Comman...Rider we do not question. You know that." said Albvia."
Memphis touched her helmet. The visor cleared. "That piece of scum
you're guarding let into a trap. He set me up."
"You're a liar, Rider." yelled Pike.
"You were the only one with opportunity. The code came from YOU!""
Memphis raised her gun and took a step closer to Pike.
"Gentlemen, ladies, could you please resolve your family history outside.
And let it be done quickly. We have mice to slaughter."
"Rider. Please don't do this" said Albvia. Memphis leaped in the
air and kicked Albvia's gun out of her hand. Pike drew his gun and fired
but Albvia blocked his shot as she fell backwards. The blast hit the ceiling.
Shards of
plaster rained down on the heads of Limburger, Karbunkle and Greasepit.
"Oh, pleeease. Outside with this." whined Limburger.
Memphis pushed Pike to the wall and put her shotgun up to his head. "Drop
your weapons and call off Hound and Albvia."
Pike leaned against the wall and smirked.
"I will shoot you, you cosmic crud." She pushed her shotgun further
into Pike's chin. "CALL THEM OFF!"
"Let the lady have her say."
"Now tell me why."
"You're crazy, Rider. I didn't lead you into any trap. I don't know
what you're talking about!"
Memphis turn her shotgun around, military style and shoved the butt into
Pike's wounded shoulder. He doubled over and went down. She put the barrel
of her gun to the top of his head. "TALK TO ME. I WANT TO HEAR YOUR
The pain almost brought tears to Pike's eyes. "I am not lying. If you
want to shoot me, then do so."
Hound started for Rider, but Moribian cut him off and pointed his gun at
Rider. "Put it down, Memphis. They won't let you leave here alive otherwise."
"Put it down!"
She lowered her shotgun. "This is watching my back?"
"That's what I'm doing. I'm trying to keep you alive." he said
"Mori, he knew I would go into that castle alone. And he assured us
that Jenko would not be in residence. He knew Jenko would be there. "
She turned to Pike who was struggling to get up. " You've been working
with him all the time. How much money did he give you?' Pike deftly picked
up his gun, quick spun around and brought the weapon down on the side of
Rider's helmet. She dropped to her knees.
"After the mice are disposed of. We will settle this. You're getting
old and slow Rider. A year ago, you would have shot me. After the mice are
disposed of, you and I are going to settle this, one and for all."
"That is not the way I operate. I always took care of my squad and
gave them the benefit of the doubt. That's why they were loyal. That's why
you're still alive. I'm not like you. You think only of yourself."
"I've had enough of this. You are finished. I'll take the 550,000,000
"What? 550......."
"Ah. This is where I come in." said Limburger still brushing off
bits of plaster. He hunkered down next to Rider and unfolded the poster
in front of her nose. "Shall I read it to you." Rider read it
wide-eyed. Limburger continued. "550,000,000 droyets. Pike here will
rid me of those wild-riding woodchucks. And then dispose of you."
Rider swung her legs around and kick Limburger in the kneecaps.
Rider got to her feet, and grabbed her shotgun.
Hound came up from behind and grabbed her round her throat. She lost her
balance but recovered and sent him over her head. He came down with a thud.
Greasepit and some of the goons both came at her from opposite sides. Rider
made a spinning leap and kick the men in their mid section.
Moribian took this opportunity to get a hold of Pike and put his shotgun
to the commander's chin. "Anything happens to Rider. I will see to
it that you have a slow painful death. She is to leave this building alive."
Mori whispered as he shoved his gun in deeper into Pikes chin for emphasis.
"You know I'll shoot you without hesitation. I am not Rider. Am I understood."
Pike shook his head, but didn't say a word.
Albvia threw her cutting wire at Rider. Rider threw her arms up to protect
her face. The wire wrapped around the heavy leather biker gloves she wore.
Karbunkle help Limburger to his feet. "What do we do now Your Creamy
"Leave of course. Let them kill each other. " Karbunkle and Limburger
ran for the lift.
"Wait for me boss. Wait for me." said Greasepit as he scrambled
to catch up.
Limburger pressed a button and the lift lurched upwards. Just as Greasepit
dove for the lift, Hound's body came crashing down upon him.
"Oomph! I gots to find me a new line of work." said Greasepit.
Rider slipped her hands out of the gloves just as Albvia started her second
assault. <I've got to get out of here. This is not going right.> Rider
thought as she grabbed a hold of Albvia by her hair and threw her into the
pile made by Greasepit and Hound.
"Go, Rider. I'll handle things here." said Moribian
Rider picked up her shotgun and ran for her bike. She pressed the button
on her belt and started the engine. Hound had extricated himself from the
pileup and forgetting about the electric charge on Rider's bike, made a
lunged for her. "You're not getting out of here that easy Rider."
The charge sent him across the room. He landed on top of Albvia and Greasepit,
who were just getting to their feet. Rider crashed through the south wall
and roared into the street. She pressed the button for stealth and disappeared.
"Damn." said Hound as raised himself up, again. "The older
she gets, the meaner she gets. How could you possibly think she was getting
"Aren't we going after her?" questioned Albvia. Hound helped her
to her feet.
"Let her go. She can't hide from us. She's our target now." Pike
looked over at Moribian. "After the mice, she goes down!" Then
he whispered to the big alien. "And if you ever put that gun to my
head again. You better use it."
Moribian smiled to himself.
Modo stood by the opening in the scoreboard. He could just barely see Charley's
garage through the tall buildings.
"Check this out, Throttle. The big guy is smitten." whispered
"I'm not smitten. I just said we should give the lady a chance to prove
herself." Modo said in an angry tone. <Vinnie's right. I am smitten.
I can't get her out of my mind.>
"Yeah, he's gone all right. But what bothers me is that woman is using
it to her advantage."
Modo turned. "Throttle. Ease up on her will you."
"I don't believe you big guy. I've never seen you this way. You see
a pretty face and your ready to give up all you stand for."
"I haven't given up a thing. I... Aw, forget it." Modo put on
his helmet.
"Where are you going?"
"Out, I need to clear my head. I'll be back later.
"Modo, let this go. She isn't worth it.
"Look, Throttle. I'm going out to get some air. And you don't know
what she's worth. You don't know anything about her."
"That's what I'm trying to tell you, bro.."
He sighed. "Ya know, I'm not as stupid as you seem to think. I wouldn't
turn my back on you. I thought you knew that."
"Modo, I didn't mean....."
"Talk to you guys later." Modo rode through the opening and floated
to the field below.
"Damn, Why did I do that?" Throttle looked through the opening.
Vinnie joined him. "Why did I make him feel like he was the dumbest
mouse in the universe"
"He doesn't think that. "
"No. He DOES think that. 'Cause we treat him that way. I treat him
that way." said Throttle, looking down and slowly shaking his head.
"I know he would never turn against us. "
"No, not Modo. He's our bro."
Yeah. He has a right to fall in love like anyone else. I just......I don't
"She's a babe. But she's got us all spooked."
"I just don't want her to use him. Modo is really sensitive. Especially
when it comes to women."
"What do you mean?"
"C'mon Vinnie. Women don't look at him twice. His arm, his eye."
Vinnie touched his face. For just a second he felt self-conscious.
<What does she want? This mercenary. What does she see that other females
do not.> Throttle shook his head.
"He's a big boy. He can take care of himself. He'll be fine. Let him
go" Vinnie went over to the refrigerator to get a root beer.
Throttle continued to stare out of the opening. "Yeah, he'll be fine."
"I just wanted to make sure you were okay, Charley-ma'am"
"Modo, you're as transparent as glass." Charley looked out into
the dark street. "Memphis left for Limburger's. She insisted on confronting
Pike. I'm getting a little worried though."
Modo replaced his helmet and roared out of the garage.
<Bring her back safely, big guy. And watch your tail.>
Rider stopped her bike and released the stealth. Her heart beat rapidly.
She thought it would explode out of her chest. She took off her helmet and
took a deep breath. Then she heard the roar of a motorcycle engine. She
took out shotgun. <Pike Sage, you will never collect that gold. I will
take you with me.> As the bike rounded the corner she saw it was Modo.
He was heading for the tower. She sent a warning shot to the big mouse.
"What the......?" Modo turned in the direction of the shot, he
pressed a button on his bike. The blast knocked Rider to the ground. "Ayee!
Modo, it's me. Memphis Rhyme. "
"What? OH NO." Modo ran over to Rider and helped her to her feet.
"Damn. Are you all right? Did I hurt you?"
"No, I'm fine. What are you doing here? Pike will kill you if you go
in there."
"I was looking for you. Charley said you would be here. I thought you
might need help."
"Well, I guess, I could have used it. Look we better get out of here.
They might be coming after me."
"Why were you looking for me?" Memphis yelled over the engines.
"I....I just wanted to apologize for Throttle."
"Can't Throttle do that for himself?"
They stopped their bikes. Modo looked around and saw no one. They were alone.
"I guess I just needed an excuse to see you again.
They stared at each other. <I can't stop staring at him, He must think
I'm crazy.>
"I'm sorry Miss Memphis. I can't stop staring at you."
"Huh." she giggled. "I was just thinking the same thing."
<Memphis, Memphis. This is not good. Stop it. Stop it now. For galaxy's
sake. You're giggling like a schoolgirl.>
"It will be light soon. You should get back to Charley's." <No,
I don't want to send her away. I need to stay with her. Just a little longer.>
"Um, would you like to see the sunrise?"
"Oh yes. I've heard the sunrises here are the best in the whole universe."
"Especially over Lake Michigan."
"Lake Mi.....chi...."
"Where is this Lake Mi..chi..gain?"
"Michigan." he gently repeated.
"I don't like this." said Throttle. "He's been gone for three
"Throttle, chill. He's okay. You need some sleep."
"I'm gonna check in with Charley."
"Throttle, Charley is probably asleep."
"So sue me." He went over to the radio. "Charley-girl. Can
you hear me?"
**Loud and clear.**
"I....we thought you might be asleep."
**No. Just sitting here.**
"Where's your house guest? Asleep?"
**Memphis went to Limburgers. She felt she had to talk to Pike.**
"Damn. Modo's not here either."
**He stopped by. I guess to see Memphis. He went to get her.**
"I knew it! I knew he would try to follow her."
**Wait Throttle. Don't get upset. They're probably all right.**
"Then why are you still awake?"
**Okay, okay. So I was a little worried.**
Vinnie jumped out of his hammock. and yawned. "Look, it's obvious that
I'm not going to get any sleep. It's almost dawn. Let's go look for them."
Vinnie leaned over Throttle shoulder. "We'll pick you up, good looking."
"What are these things?" asked Memphis
"Hot dogs."
"Hot.....dogs? I didn't know you were supposed to eat them. I always
thought they were some kind of pet. Didn't they have fur or something?"
Modo laughed. It was deep and mirthful. <strong and playful> She could
listen to that laugh all day.
"Different kind of dogs. These you eat. And you wash it down with this."
He handed Memphis a can of root beer.
"Umm, this is good." she looked down at the hotdog with her tiny
bite in it. "I reserve judgment on these."
The sun was just peeking over the horizon. For awhile they just sat and
stared out over the lake. Not talking. Just sitting side by side.
Modo put his hands behind his head and lay back on the ground. Memphis sat
straight up looking over the lake. For the first time in a long time she
felt at peace. "Uncle." she whispered. "I'm here. On this
planet...Earth. And here is water."
Modo sat up. "Sorry, I didn't hear you."
"I was just talking to my self. Well, to my uncle. I never thought
I would be here. On Earth." She told Modo the story of her uncle and
the water. Then she laughed. "I never thought I would be working for
Limburger either. He's only the foulest Plutarkian in the galaxy. He's here
because he couldn't do things right on your planet."
"Yeah, tell me about it."
"May I have another one of those rude bears?"
"Root beer." He opened another can. Memphis continued.
"Modo, if I don't carry out this bounty is up to 550,000,000
droyets. Jupiter wants me in the worse way. And Limburger has added to the
contract on me. My squad will kill me for the money. The bond has been broken."
For the first time in many, many years, Memphis felt like crying. She felt
the tears well up in her eyes. "I want to go home."
Modo sat up. Tentatively her put his arm around her. He whispered her name
in her ear. She settled down in his arms.
'I can't believe you would be in this business." He said.
"Charley asked me about this. And I will give you the same answer.
I like the money."
"There are others ways to make money."
"True. But not as much and not as fast." Modo said nothing. "I
am not the, what do they call it here. The "stay at home type";
I was never cut out to be a breeder."
"Venusian females have one purpose and one purpose only. To breed.
Even those females that hold high office. We had a civil war on Venus three
decades ago. I joined up with the recovery squad of the Senate's Army. They
were hiring some breeders to infiltrate the Lesho faction. My father taught
me my fighting skills. And that proved more valuable than breeding. So I
was released from natural bond."
Modo remained quiet. Mesmerized by her voice. It was like of running water.
Soft and gentle.
"It's complicated. Venus is complicated. Anyway, after the war I got
stared in this business." She looked down at his arms that were around
her. She put his big hand in her little ones. "And you do you intend
to stay on this planet?"
"I don't know. I hope to go home someday. I was there for a few days,
along time ago. Not exactly a great reception. We tried to get Limburger
back there for trial. He escaped and we chased him back here. But I will
stay here until we've roasted that fat cheese."
"Do you miss Mars?"
"Yes. I miss the clean red sands. It's something to see Memphis."
He held her tighter.
"I miss home too. But I can't go back. I can never go back to Venus."
"Why not?"
"I just can't, that's all. I live on Saturn now. It's peaceful on there
and I'm left alone to live my life. This is peaceful too." She said,
smiling quietly up at him. "I like this. Thank you for bring me here."
Modo looked over at the horizon. "Back on Mars and before the wars,"
said Modo in a soft voice, "my little nephew, Rimfire, and I used to
fish at sunrise. But even fishing never felt this good." He looked
into her eyes. "I would like to take you fishing someday."
"I would like to go."
He traced the line of her nose and lips with his fingers. "You are
so beautiful. I never dreamed I'd meet somebody like you." He tilted
her face and kissed her lightly. Then pulled away. "Miss Memphis, ma'am.
I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. A gentleman never does anything like
this. I'm sorry, I just..."
"I can't believe you think of me as a lady. There are those who will
"I don't care what Throttle thinks."
"It's not only Throttle."
"I believe some people can change." He saw the sad look on her
face. "What's the matter?
No, I can't. I...this won't work." She shook her head.
"I don't want to fall in....uh, get involved with you."
Memphis pushed him away and stood up. "There's a price on my head,
"I know that. " He got up also.
She turned and walked towards her bike. "I'm afraid. I'm afraid you'll
be hurt."
"By you?"
"No, but....."
He turned, looped his tail around her waist, and pulled her back. "Then
don't worry about me. I'm a big mouse. I can take care of myself."
He pulled her closer.
Memphis put her head on his chest. "Please understand Modo, this is
not easy for me." she said. "I'm not used to this."
He clasped her hair and gently pulled her head back. "It's not easy
for me either." He put his hand under her chin and parted her lips.
He kissed her again. This time he did not pull away.
And the sun came up over Lake Michigan.
note: memphis rhyme, pike sage, moribian k'Toji, Albvia Sea and Hound are
strictly from the demented mind of crj-rider1. All other character are the
property of brentwood television funnies, inc.
a special thanks to my friend amice for her time and patience in editing
"Vinnie, how did you know they would be here?"
"Elementary, sweetheart. This is where Modo goes when he wants to be
alone. When he wants to fish and think."
"They look happy, don't they?"
"Yeah, I guess." Vinnie leaned against his bike. Charley leaned
against Vinnie. His arms were around her.
"What do you mean you guess? You don't think Modo's happy."
"Oh, he's happy. It's her. Throttle thinks she's using him. And, she
just might do that. Modo can be so vulnerable sometimes."
"You guys are wrong. She's very attracted to him."
"Well, that may be, Charlene. But if she is using him, if she hurts
him in any way, I will take the lady out."
"VINNIE!" Charley turned around in his arms and started to give
him what for, when he kissed her.
"My love, I'm only saying that we know nothing about her. Modo's my
bro; I won't let her hurt him. Physically or mentally."
Charley put her arms around Vincent's neck. She kissed for a long time.
When they parted, she looked at him closely. "I understand, but trust
me. She truly loves him. I know a woman in love when I see one. Even an
alien. Those two love each other."
"Like us, sweetheart?"
She laughed and kissed him again. "Like us. We better go before they
see us."
"Yeah, let's go. Throttle should be back at the garage by now."
They got on Vinnie's bike. "Charley...I hope she's there for him. I
do want this for him."
"Why you old softy."
"Yeah, but don't tell him, okay?"
Limburger stood before the video screen. As usual he was being chewed out
bye The Lord High Chairman Camembert.
"Limburger, I have had enough of your blundering. You have been on
that puny planet for eons and you still haven't stripped it yet. I need
soil. I need steel. When am I going to get it?"
"Oh, you'll get it."
"What was that?"
"Ahem, soon. Soon, Your Rancid Rankness. Very soon. I have run into
a few unforeseen problems. Labor and all that. And those saw-toothed squirrels
have thwarted me at every turn. But that should change. I have hired the
best gunman in the universe to help alleviate me with my rodent problem."
"Really, well, it's about time you did something worth while, Limburger."
"Yes. Well, Your Royal Pain in the Posterior. You shall have your steel
and your soil and all those things you have so patiently been waiting for,
quite soon." Limburger dipped into a dish of slime worms. "Now,
Your Offensiveness, I must be going. I have orders to give buildings to
crumble. Earth to dig up, Mice to massacre. With your permission, I would
like to see to the proceedings."
"Yes, Very well, Limburger. I will be awaiting your report. I will
come personally to see the dead dormice myself. That's all for now."
"Thank you, Your Extremeness for your, er, extreme patience. Good-bye,
you worm infested pustule"
The fat Plutarkian went over and sat at his desk. He put his head in his
hands. "Oh, this is just too draining. Why is it that I can not get
anything done? I have the money, I have the manpower, but I'm thwarted at
every turn! His high chairman will have my gills if I don't get going on
this planet. My promotion and perhaps my very existence depend on those
venomous Venusians. If they don't turn those pistol-packing prairie dogs
into road kill, the Plutarkian Council will turn me into sushi."
The five sat around the table. Charley had brought two steaming cups of
coffee to the table. The mice, as usual, were swilling root beer. Memphis
wanted to try the coffee.
"Nourishment on this planet is very interesting."
"Yeah, well there's more to this planet than hotdogs and root beer."
"There is?" Vinnie had just finished off his fifth can in as many
minutes. "Bite your tongue" He gave a loud belch. "This is
nectar of the gods." Another loud belch.
"I know it's hard, Memphis, but try to ignore him. Maybe he'll go away.
At least we can always hope."
Vinnie made a funny face. That made Memphis laugh. A deep belly laugh. It
was infectious. The others laughed also. "You four really have quite
a camaraderie." She said. "I envy you." Memphis turned wistful.
"At one time, I felt this way also."
"Why don't you tell us what happened."
She looked at the tan mouse in surprise. "You really want to know?
I thought...."
"I told you, Charley trusts you. And, it seems Modo trusts you. So,
well, I want to try."
"Me too, sweetheart. So give us the lowdown."
"You're among friends now." Said Modo.
Rider sighed and looked down at her cup. She was silent for a moment. "We
were supposed to take out Tesh Jenko on Axle Drop..."
.... a barren region on a Uranian moon, it was home to The Castle Charles.
The Castle Charles was home of Tesh Jenko. Jenko was of noble birth. Jenko
was a weapons dealer. Jenko was a poacher, slave trader and pimp. Jenko's
greatest desire was to overthrow the ruling factions of the moon with his
small, but powerful army. The Council retained the best mercenaries in the
galaxy. The coded message was sent through Pike Sage. -Take out Jenko. Take
out his army. Half of 1,000,000,000 droyets now. The rest at the end of
the assignment. -
The commandos were in a room at a rundown inn at the edge of Axle Drop.
Rider looked out the window towards the castle. Pike and Albvia were going
over a map. Hound and Moribian checked the weapons.
"What troubles you, Commander?" asked Albvia
"I don't like the feel of this one." Said Rider.
"You're getting skittish, its a job like all our other jobs."
said Pike
"Why are you doubtful?"
"I don't know. There's just something."
Moribian cleaned his shotgun. "Follow your instincts, Commander. They
have always guided you before."
"Listen to lover boy, Commander." Pike looked over at Mori, smirking.
"For once he's right."
Moribian responded without looking up from his weapon. "Grow up, Pike."
"We'll meet back here tomorrow night at this time." Said Rider
ignoring them both. "We move the day after." She walked over to
Pike. "You've found the fastest way off this moon?"
"Lighten up will ya? The ship will be waiting for us at Ceres. We just
ride our bikes in and we're gone."
Rider tapped her talons against her helmet and looked at Pike curiously.
He grew annoyed. "It's an easy take."
"That's why I don't like it."
"Commander, let me go with you."
Pike immediately stood up. "Alb, we need you here."
"You can't read a map by yourself."
"Listen, gir..."
"No, Albvia. You're needed here. Besides, two of us scoping this place
is unhealthy."
"Very unhealthy." muttered Pike.
<This is too easy. Too easy for someone like Jenko. > Rider set her
helmet to infrared as she reached a door on the south side and tapped the
combination unit on the door. She snorted. They haven't made an obstacle
she couldn't handle. Inside she was faced with three corridors. She listened
but heard no voices. Pike said Jenko would not in residence tonight. Dim
light came from the torches placed at intervals along the corridor. According
to Pike's map, the one on the right was the way to go. Rider got off her
bike and pulled her shotgun. She checked every nook and cranny of the long
corridor, as well as the height, width, strength and obstacle of each door.
At the far end of the south corridor was an open staircase. As Rider raised
her shotgun, the torches went out. She felt the butt of a gun hit her midsection
and another one in the back. She hit the ground with a thud, her helmet
crashing into the wall. As her shotgun was being kicked out of Rider's hand,
a large boot came down on her neck.
"We got him. We got him, Jenko." Said a soldier as he aimed his
weapon at her head.
Jenko's soldiers surrounded her and Jenko himself stood over her. "Greetings
DarkRider. I've been waiting for you." He pushed the soldier aside
and knelt down. Rider reached up and grabbed him by the collar. The same
boot slammed into her helmet. She let him go.
"I am now a very rich man, thanks to you, Rider. Jupiter will pay handsomely."
He stood up. "You should have known better than to come up against
me, mercenary." He laughed. "Thanks to your number two man, the
hunter is now the hunted. And the hunted has been snared. Get him on the
The soldier yanked her to her feet. As he tried to put chains on her, she
sent him down the stairs reeling. Another tried to help his comrade. He'll
never talk again. One of the soldiers finally managed to get a clear shot
and pumped her with sleeping darts. He picked her up, loaded her and her
bike onto the shuttle and lifted off for Jupiter.
In the desert, four commandos...
"...watched the ship take off." Memphis never looked up from her
cup. She grew silent. The others waited. Then Charley reached over and put
her hand over Memphis'. "What happened next?" The silence continued.
She frowned.
"Memphis." said Modo very quietly. "You all right?"
She whispered. " On Jupiter...
>.... The DarkRider sat on the dirt floor of her dark cell. Guards never
checked on prisoners at Jupiter. The cells were of dirt and stone with no
windows. If any prisoner tried to dig his way out, the walls would cave
in. All one could do was sit in the dark and count the days.
As she was led from her cell to her execution, a canister landed in the
corridor. Rider and her guards were overcome with gas.
Sometime later as she tried to open her eyes, her vision swirled in the
unfamiliar room. Rider sat up and forced herself to take a deep breath.
Slowly the room stopped spinning. As she sat on the bed trying to clear
her vision, she saw that her black biker outfit lay folded on a nearby chair.
On the wall opposite, was a message written in Venusian. She was to get
dressed and wait. Rider staggered to her feet fighting the nausea, and trying
not to throw up. Once on her feet, the dizziness struck her once again made
her sick and she collapsed on the floor, where she remained.
This time the room didn't spin when she opened her eyes. The clothes were
still on the chair. The message still on the wall. Rider took off her prison
clothes, cleaned up and got dressed. Then she sat on the bed and waited.
In a few moments she was gone.
It was an apartment of sorts. On the table was a news screen, The Call of
Saturn. There was food. There was money. Her bike was in an outer hall.
On the terrace was a telescope with a note attached. - Look through this
and remember. You will be...
".... contacted by Limburger." Memphis got up and walked over
to the door. "That's my story, Throttle. I don't know if you believe
it or want to believe it, but that's it. I said I would help you get rid
of Limburger, but if you choose to believe this is some sort of setup, then
so be it." She picked up her helmet and got on her bike. Modo went
over to her. "Where are you going?"
"Out of here. As Vinnie said, it's not safe having me around. They
may come to hurt Charley."
"Let me go with you."
She laughed, "I don't even know where I'm going."
"All the more reason."
"Modo, I need to be alone right now."
"So you can sneak off and take Pike on your own? You've tried that
already. It didn't work then, it won't work now. Stay here."
She sighed. "Very well. I'll stay here."
"We'll be back."
"Where are YOU going?"
The guys got on their bikes and left the garage. Memphis rode over to the
door and watched them go. Charley came up beside her.
"You'll get used to that. They love the damsel in distress scenario."
Rider smiled. "He is wonderful, is he not?"
"Modo? You betcha!".
"Does he have family...on Mars?"
"A nephew."
"Does he have...children?"
"If I stay with him, he will get hurt. It wouldn't be wise to love
him, even though I think I do."
Don't worry about Modo. He is quite taken with you. If you just leave him,
then you will be hurting him."
"Tell me about Vinnie. You love this mouse?"
"Yes, I don't know what I'll do when he goes back to Mars. I don't
like to think about it."
"I thought so. What is it about them, that makes us want to love them?"
"Courage, honesty, sincerity, great bods and serious cuteness?"
They laughed together. Memphis turned slightly serious.
"Before this, I have never had the time to fall in love with anyone.
And no one has ever been in love with me. If I leave this planet, if I leave
Modo, I will have no life. I might as well let Pike kill me and collect
the droyets."
"Don't wait Memphis. Tell him. Tell him right away."
"I don't know. I've got to settle with my squad. I've..."
"Don't be a fool, girl. Tell him."
"I suppose you are right. I must go."
"Memphis, I didn't mean right now."
"I must go Charley. It is not safe for you with me here. They will
find me here and hurt you. I can't risk that."
"Don't argue with me, Charley. You're as bad as Albvia."
Pike sat on the edge of Limburger's desk, carving little arrows and crosses
on the surface with his knife. The others sat astride their bikes. Greasepit
and Karbunkle were by the window.
"What bogus plan do you have now, lard butt?"
"Oh, hardly bogus Mr. Pike. And would you please stop doing that. This
is a very expensive desk. Thank you. Now, the plan is to get all of our
errant enemies in one place at the same time. Then we can rid ourselves
of two or rather five birds with one stone, so to speak."
"We need to get those mice, the girl and that mercenary all together
in the same place. Then we can annihilate them all at once. Now the plan
I have is simple...."
"Why does that not surprise me?" said Moribian.
Limburger sighed. "Do you think I can continue without interruption.
Is this at all possible?"
"I'll makes sure youse is not inter..... in....inner...uh. SHUT UP
youse guys." Said Greasepit. "Da boss is talk'n."
Everyone looked at him.
"Greasepit." Limburger sighed.
"Yeah, boss."
"Oh, never mind, it wouldn't make a difference anyway."
"Uh, what's dat, boss."
"Putting you in front of a firing squad. Now shut up!"
"Okay boss. Jeeesssh"
"Now as I was saying. We have to get them all together. And I have
the perfect plan to accomplish this."
Pike held his knife up to Limburger's face. "Cut to the chase, Plutarkian."
"Yes, well, we kidnap that insufferable woman mechanic."
"But, boss. Uh, we done dat befo?"
"Sorry, I'll shuts up."
"Vincent, or Vinnie, or whatever has a special thing for her, so he
will come to her immediate aid."
"And how are we to kidnap the woman, Your Philadelphia Cream Cheesiness?"
"We go to that horrendous hovel she lives in and grab her, you idiot!"
"But boss, what if dat biker babe is dere?"
"Don't worry about Rider. We'll take care of her." Said Pike.
"Ah, see what happens when we all work together? Now let's get this
down to the bare essentials, shall we?" said Limburger rubbing his
hands together.
"I knew you would sneak off and try to take Pike again on your own
again." said Modo leaning against a building, arms folded, and looking
in the direction of Charley's garage, two blocks away. The engine of his
bike purred next to him a he faced Rider.
"How did you know, I'd come this way?"
"It's a route I would take if I wanted to avoid me."
"It makes me nervous when someone knows what I'm going to do before
I do it." she took off her helmet, smiled and folded her arms. "So
what do we do now?'
He walked over to her and kissed her on her forehead. "One thing for
sure, you're not going to the tower."
Rider stood in the glow of the early afternoon sun, as it peeked through
the scoreboard opening. Modo came up behind her and kissed her neck. She
leaned against him as he gently pulled her jacket from her shoulders. It
dropped to the floor.
He unhooked the black leather bustier and it followed the path of the jacket.
<Oh mama, I don't believe this. This woman can not be real. No one can
be this beautiful. >
Though small boned, she was muscular and broad shouldered. Deep lats tapered
down to a tiny waist. He moved his hands around her shoulders and past her
breast. He unzipped her leather jeans, and then knelt and removed her boots.
Memphis knelt down in front of him. He put his hands of either side of her
face. Her black eyes were like deep mirrors. He could see his reflection
going further and further back in those eyes. He touched her lips gently
with his own. She closed her eyes as he licked her face. Her neck. Her breast...
Memphis had never felt anything like this before. She settled against him.
Nestled in his arms. <This mouse exudes power. His strength is overwhelming.
> She kissed his neck and his chest. She felt herself melt into him.
He kissed her top of her head then he got up and took off his boots, and
energy pack. And laid down next to his ladylove.
Modo's tail went around her waist and down her thighs and leg. His fur against
her skin was like a soft blanket. While he was on top of her, the movement
of his body felt like a sensuous massage. Her hands caressed him down his
back and to his rear. She stroked the strong but soft tail. The sun was
high. Its light catching two perfect bodies in perfect harmony.
Memphis propped herself up on her elbow and looked down on the sleeping
mouse. It amazed her how he sustained himself for so long. How he cared
about her. How he cared about the way she moved. How he cared about the
way she felt.
She leaned over and kissed his ear. Kissed his forehead. Kissed his eyes.
Kissed his nose and mouth. She ran her lips down the full length of his
body. He opened his eye and smiled when she raised her head. Her fingers
traced invisible letters on his chest and deeply muscled stomach. Modo raised
himself up and kissed her. "You were delicious."
He had whispered in her ear. Soft things she didn't understand. But they
had pleased and filled her senses. No where in the universe was there anything
that could compare to this. She opened her eyes and forced herself back
into the room. She looked up at the ceiling and sat up.
"What's the matter?"
"Nothing. You've made me feel so wonderful. You own me now. My body
is yours, I'm a part of you."
"What would you like from me? More than anything."
"I would like your arms around me all the time.
He sat up. "That could be arranged." He put his arms around her.
Neither spoke as they listened to the beating of their hearts. He stroked
her hair and studied her face. She touched him. He kissed her, then laid
back and pulled her down on top of him. They became one again.
Modo stood by the window. He looked down at his mechanical arm. Suddenly
it felt ugly. He tried not to hold her too tightly. It must have felt like
a cold vise against her skin. "Damn you, Karbunkle." He closed
his eye. The vision of the lab came into his mind. Then he felt her hand
on his back. Her arms slipped around his waist. "I love you."
She whispered.
His heart stopped beating. The world faded away. He only heard her voice.
And her soft words. He turned to her. "Memphis..."
She put her fingers to his lips. He took them and kissed them gently. "I
love you more than anything in this world. In this universe."
"Do you?"
"I would not lie to you. I love you." Modo took one of the gold
earrings from his ear and placed it on the thumb of her hand. She looked
down and wiggled her fingers.
"This is a token of my love for you. I hope you wear it always."
She took one of the diamonds out of her ear. "This is a token of my
love for you." She placed it in the spot that held the hoop. "Please,
wear it always."
Charley sat alone in the garage. "I'm so tired of being left behind
all the time. There's action out there and I want to be a part of it."
Her bike was under repair, so she took her truck and drove out of the garage.
Just as she cleared the door, a blast hit her truck causing her to hit her
head against the steering wheel. She didn't pass out but her eyes were unfocused.
Charley looked through the windshield and saw four black helmeted bikers
in front of her truck. She hit reverse, but there were goons behind her.
She was surrounded. Out of her side window Greasepit's ugly, oily face looked
back at her. "Moves over lady. I'm drivin'."
"Think again oil breath." But at that moment the barrel of a gun
touched her side. It was that big alien, Moribian. Charley sighed and moved
over. Greasepit climbed in the cab. She was sandwiched between the two huge
men. Greasepit's oil running down the side of her shirt and pants.
"Where are we going, slime bucket?"
"Over tose da pits and wait for yer biker brat friends. Yeah, and dat
biker toots."
"That's an old trick, Grease gun. The guys won't fall for it."
"Oh yeah, deys will. Dat white one has da hots for youse. He'll cum.
Den we'll smash dem all. No more bikers. Hee-Hee-Hee."
Charley looked over at Moribian. "I thought you were Memphis' friend."
The alien said nothing.
"Well, Fat Fish and Company seem to be missing. Nobody's here"
said Vinnie.
"There's something wrong. No guards, no sirens. Limburger doesn't leave
this place empty."
"I'll scope out the lab."
"Careful bro. That slimy scale fin is up to something." said Throttle
as he rode over to Limburger's desk. He saw the note. - Youse cums two da
pits. Youse'll sea yur lady luv dere. - The note was full of bad spelling
and oil smudges. Vinnie rode back in.
"That's because they're not here." he handed Vinnie the note.
"Oh man. Again? Charley or Memphis? Is this for me or Modo?"
"You. If Modo was able to stop Memphis from coming here, then he's
with her now."
"That oversized fish stick."
"Deja vu, bro. We've danced to this turn before. It's a trap and they
know we know it's a trap."
"We need Modo."
"'Fraid, this will have to be a duet, Vinnie."
"Then, it's time to stop the music. For good."
"Let's rock and ride."
Charley, her hands tied behind her back, was hanging by her wrists from
the winch in back of her truck. Limburger walked over and put his hand under
her chin.
"Comfortable, my dear?" he sang. Since Charley was gagged, he
couldn't understand the bad words coming from her lips.
"Wonderful, I wouldn't want you distressed." he laughed. "Now,
Karbunkle, is everything all set?"
"Everything is all ready, Your Bovineness. When that white tailed wombat
tries to free his girlfriend, he, she and this truck will go over into the
pits. Mashed mouse." Said Doctor Karbunkle standing next to Limburger's
"One down. Next!" sang Limburger.
"This is stupid."
"Let's try and be a team, shall we."
"Just worry about your own, Plutarkian. And I'll take care of my own."
"Uh...yes, quite." Limburger got into his limo with Karbunkle.
The car drove around the corner and disappeared from view.
Pike leaned over to Hound. "That Plutarkian is one of the dumbest beings
I've ever encountered."
"Stupid, but rich. Pike. Very rich."
"I'm not sure, it's even worth the money." He looked over at Moribian
"We take Rider down today. You have a problem with that?"
"Of course I have a problem with it. I also have a problem with you."
"That woman tried to kill me."
"I believe these earth people have a saying that goes, an eye for an
"Mori, I didn't set her up. I had nothing to do with that. And you
know I didn't."
"That's not what she believes. Isn't that what's important?"
"I don't get you. If you love her so much, why don't you tell her that
I'm not her enemy? I don't want to hurt here. I'd never hurt Rider, and
I would never take her out unless she tried to do the same to me. And she
has. TWICE. No one does that to Pike Sage. No one."
"You'll have to straighten that out yourself, Pike. But I won't let
you take Rider down. That you can count on."
"You just better hope your girlfriend doesn't show up." Pike sneered.
"Stop calling her my girlfriend."
Pike shrugged. "Well she is, isn't she. Wait. Wait. She doesn't know.
You never told her of your schoolboy crush. Ha ha ha. I don't believe it.
All this time. You've been worshipping from af..."
Mori whirled around and with lightening speed wrapped his chains around
Pike's neck. "I've had enough of you. I don't care if you are commander
now. You are history...."
Just then the sounds of motorbikes could be heard in the distance. "Ah,
right on schedule." said Limburger. He looked into the monitor in front
of his seat. He picked up the microphone. "Gentlemen, our guests are
here. Get ready."
Albvia looked toward Hound. "One of them will be dead before this is
"As long as I get my money. I don't care what they do."
"Hound, your one track mind amazes me."
Throttle and Vinnie came down the street. They saw Charley hanging, trussed
like a rabbit from her truck. And that truck was on the very edge of the
pits. Throttle touched his helmet. They heard the roar of dune buggies coming
up behind them.
"Battle Mode, Vincent, this looks like rescue maneuver number seven-eleven."
"I'd rather do one-one-fifty, if you don't mind." Vinnie replied
in a phony English accent.
"Heh Heh. I wonder why you want to do that one?" said Throttle.
"Because I look so cool and studly?"
"Why else? Let's go!"
With a rebel yell, Vinnie turned his bike and went left. Throttle made a
complete turn and got off five or six shots to the goons coming up behind
"Hey were you guppies invited to this party? I don't think so."
"AAAAOOO. Hang in there Charley-girl! Your handsome prince is on the
<Oh, please. > Charley thought. <Again? I bet he does number one-one-fifty.
Moribian was surprised not to see Memphis. <That big gray mouse isn't
here either. Damn>
Vinnie raced over to Charley's truck. He raised his Martian blaster. Just
as he was about to shoot off her bonds, Hound came out of nowhere. He rode
directly in front of Vinnie, brandishing his swords. He knocked the blaster
out of the mouse's hands.
"I got him, Hound." Albvia pulled her shotgun from the scabbard
behind her back. Vinnie, ever quick, ducked.
"I don't think so, sweetheart."
The blast from Albvia's gun hit Hound's bike. It drove him into Charley's
truck just as Karbunkle hit the remote. The truck, Hound, Hound's bike and
Charley went over the side.
"CHARLEY!!!!!!!!!" Vinnie grabbed his blaster, rode to the edge
and shot at the rope holding Charley to the winch. As she continued down
into the pits, Vinnie turned his bike and shot out a grappling hook. It
grabbed the bike jockey by the waist. She was hoisted up to the surface.
Hound, his bike and the truck crashed below. The truck caught fire.
"Damn!" Albvia rode to the edge of the pit. "HOUND! HOUND!!!."
The fireball drove her back from the edge. "He's gone."
"Albvia, what the hell happened?" Pike yelled. The healer just
look dejected and shrugged her shoulders. Then she turned towards Vincent
and Charley. Vinnie plopped Charley, still tied and gagged, on the back
of his bike. He took one of his grenades, lit it and with his tail used
it to cut Charley's bonds. She took the gag from her mouth.
"Vinnie, Albvia is behind us."
"I see her. Sorry honey, but I'm already spoken for."
Charley grabbed her rocket launcher from the side of the bike and jumped
"Charley!" Vinnie made a three sixty. But Charley had things under
"I'll teach you to mess with my mouse. " She fired at
the alien. The healer was knocked off her bike.
Throttle was in the middle of a squad of goons. But that was the least of
his problems. Moribian had shed his coat and came roaring down the street
heading straight for Throttle, spinning his weapons over his head.
"Sorry, big, blue and stupid. I don't look good in chains." Throttle
rode towards Moribian and shot a line with a hook on the end as he passed.
The hook grabbed the chains and Mori was pulled backwards off his bike.
He crashed into the lamppost. Pike came up, with both guns blazing and caught
Throttle by surprise. The tan mouse turned around. He saw Greasepit came
down the block with more of his goons.
"Okay, youse mousies. Yur mine now."
"Oh really, greasy kid stuff." said Throttle. "Want to join
the Party, huh?"
She looked up at him. Gently and tentatively she touched his eye patch.
"What happened?"
"Not now, darling. I just don't want to go into it right now. I want
nothing bad in this moment." He looked thoughtful.
"What is it?"
"I just thought of something I read."
"What is that?"
He was silent for a moment.
"Ah, fill the Cup: - what boots it to repeat
How time is slipping underneath our Feet:
Unborn To-morrow and dead Yesterday,
Why fret about them if To-day be sweet!"
"How lovely. What is it?"
"Charley has this book. Her father gave it to her. It's called the
Rubaiyat. It was written by someone called Omar Khayyam."
"May I hear more?"
Well, Charley says this is the most famous of his poems...
Here with a Loaf of Bread beneath the Bough,
A Flask of wine, a Book of Verse-and Thou
Beside me singing in the Wilderness
And Wilderness is Paradise enow."
"Is this Paradise?"
"With you it is."
"I knew it. I knew there was more to you. You're a poet. A romantic.
Yet you hide it. Why?"
"I never had a reason to show it before." He kissed her again.
"And you do now?"
"I want to spend the rest of my life with you."
"And make it Paradise."
Memphis put her head on his chest. "Just the thought of seeing you
at every sunrise."
"Now who's the romantic?"
They held each other in their arms. The early afternoon sun turned into
the late afternoon sun.
A blast sounded from far away.
"What the..." He looked out of the opening. Smoke rose up in the
distance. "My bros. They're in trouble."
"It sounded like one of Pike's nukebombs."
"I've got to ride, darling."
"So do I."
"Doctor, what is happening? I see three mercenaries and two mice. Why
am I seeing two mice? What is going on?"
"I don't know, Your Overripe Fondue Dip. The truck went over, but that
white mouse save the girl. Again. And one of those bikers went with the
truck. The short one, I think."
There was a second explosion as the gas tank of Charley's truck blew.
"What do we do now, Your Double Patness"
"What else. Vacate this vermin filled vicinity. Pedal to the metal,
you malformed mutant. Get us out of here."
Greasepit rolled up next to Pike. "Youse guys needs some help. My goons
will finish dem."
"Go play with your toys, grease gullet. I'm busy." Pike rolled
one of his nukebombs under the Throttle's bike. Albvia threw her cutting
wire. It caught Throttle around the neck and he was knocked off the bike.
His bike skidded down the street, leaving the nukebomb in the open air.
It went off and a small crater filled the street.
Vinnie turn around and saw Throttle on the ground. "Throttle, you okay,
"Yeah. Get Charley."
Mori came to and leaped for his bike. He rode over to Charley.
"Stay away from her, you Venusian Flytrap. "He said as he rode
his bike up to the alien.
"She'll be all right. Don't worry about her. Watch out for Memphis.
Pike will take her out now."
"She's not even here, you blue space scum."
"She heard the bomb. She'll be here. Trust me."
"Trust you. Yeah, right."
Vinnie drew his Martian blaster, but the alien was quicker. He sent his
chain flying over the white mouse's head and it wrapped itself around Vinnie's
"I'm not your enemy cave mouse." Moribian pulled his chain back.
Throttle rode up behind him and was about to give him one nuke karate chop
to the back of his helmet. But Moribian sensed him and ducked Throttle's
"Stop this and tell me where Rider is. Where's that gray mouse?"
"I don't know, and even if I did, I wouldn't tell you." said Throttle.
"You two are dumber than Limburger. You'll will get her killed."
"k'Toji, you're supposed to kill them not hold a conversation."
Pike rode up and fired both his guns at the two mice. Moribian grabbed Charley,
unceremoniously by the neck and deposited her behind a parked car.
"Hey! What...aarrgh!"
"You'll be safe here. Watch out for Rider." he rode off
"I don't want to be safe. Urrggh!"
"Let's go youse guys. Let's mash dose mousies." yelled Greasepit.
"We could sure use Modo, right about now." said Vinnie.
"Did someone mention my name."
"BIG FELLA! I knew you couldn't stay away." replied Throttle.
"We missed ya." Asked Vinnie.
Modo sailed into the frey. Dispatching goons as he went along. "Yee
Haw. The big mouse is here. Time to massacre some mercenaries. " Moribian
sent his chains out to Modo. But the big mouse ducked them and the chairs
wrapped around a nearby lamppost instead. He yelled with rage and frustration.
"Where's Rider, Cave Mouse?"
"Safe. Away from you." Actually Modo didn't know where Memphis
was. After they rode to scene of the explosion, Rider went into stealth
mode. All he heard was that soft, almost inaudible whirring. He saw some
pebbles kicked up from behind her wheels."
"I've got to know where she is."
"And I told you I don't know." Just then Modo and Moribian heard
that whirring sound overhead.
Pike heard it too. He looked up. " Shoot up. SHOOT UP! Limburger talk
to your men."
"Are you out of your mind. Shoot at what?"
Pike stopped directly in front of the limo. Both guns in hand. "DO
Limburger leaned out of the window. "Goons, all the goons of the Limburger
Empire, Shoot in the air. For whatever reason. Shoot in the sky before this
fool shoots me."
"NO!" said Modo and Moribian together.
Pike put a silver tipped Venusian blastdart in his gun. The same one Memphis
shot him with. He watched the goons bullets deflect off an invisible object
in the sky. He pinpointed and fired. There was a faint gasped. Then a crash.
Soon blood was seen running down the street. The stealth released and the
Rider appeared. She was on her back with the bike on top of her and her
gun in her hand.
"Now's the time." said Limburger. "LET US GET OUT OF HERE!"
The mutant gunned the motor and the limo sped off.
"Damn" said Throttle. "Vinnie, rescue maneuver number fourteen."
"AAAOOOO! I'm gone." The white mouse fired his boosters and sailed
over the fallen biker. He released the grappling hook. It caught the bike
and he lifted it off of Memphis. Modo rode up, scooped her off the ground
and threw her over his shoulder.
"The gods of Zeus." whispered Moribian. The sickening sound of
the bike crashing to the pavement made his flesh crawl. He saw the gray
mouse picked her up and ride away. He turned to Pike. Whirling his chains
over his head, he let out a yell and drove straight for the leader. Pike
turned and fired his guns. Moribian didn't even flinch. He wrapped his chains
around Pike's neck and yanked him off his bike. Albvia rode up and holstered
her shotgun.
"Zeus, Pike. To this moment, I never believe you really wanted to kill
Moribian, bleeding, jumped of his bike and grabbed Pike. He dragged him
over to the same lamppost he had crashed into earlier. He wrapped the chains
around Pike and bound him to the column. He took off his helmet and then
Pike's. Then Moribian k'Toji proceeded to drive his fist into Pike's face.
Again and again.
note: memphis rhyme, pike sage, moribian k'Toji, Albvia
Sea and Hound are strictly from the demented mind of crj-rider1. All other
character are the property of brentwood television funnies, inc. a special
thanks to my friend amice for her patience and editing.