Disclaimer: I do not own Biker Mice from Mars, nor do I make any money from this fic.


by: JBJ

Copyrighted: 1998

Boots click on the waiting room tiles. Vinnie paces back and forth across the floor, suppressing the urge to scream, bust furniture, or just cry. If he was alone, he'd probably do all three. Vikki sits in one of the chairs, leaned over and rubbing her temples through the open visor of her helmet. *Vin, your making me dizzy.*
Vinnie spins to face her. *I can't help it. I can't just sit around and do nothing. Charley's in there!* He points to the emergency room doors and freezes. He doesn't even notice when Vikki stands and is like a robot as she leads him to a chair beside her. Vikki places a hand over his.
*It's all right. The doctors are doing their best.*
*I can see why you want to be one. It's torture just waiting.* Vikki turns away. *I goofed bad. I didn't pack a med. kit into one of the bikes. I didn't even check the differences between Martian and human 1st Aid procedures.* Vikki's blocks were weak. Vinnie heard every word.
*Don't beat yourself up. You did your best. If anyone's to blame, it's me. I shoulda seen that missile coming a mile away.*
Vikki gives a forced chuckle inside Vinnie's head. *It's called an ambush, Bro. No one saw it coming.*
Both twins look up at the sound of Throttle's approach. He's finally finished talking to the police. He has been mentally kicking himself as well. He's their leader and he led them right into Limburger's trap. Vikki stands and asks Throttle, "What did you tell them?" Throttle sighs.
"Just that it was an accident. That it was really stupid for us to be out in this weather."
Vinnie snaps. "An accident?! Why didn't you tell them to go bust Limburger?!" Throttle shakes his head.
"No proof, Bro."
"No proof?!" Vinnie points to the doors. "All the proof I need is right in there!" A candy-striper holds a finger over her lips sternly. Vinnie storms out of the hospital. Soon, Vikki and Throttle hear his bike drive off.
Vikki looks to Throttle. "Go after him."
"Are you going to be OK until Modo gets back with Mrs. Davidson?"
Vikki hugs herself and nods. "Just go." To herself she adds, *I have a feeling he's gonna make his luck run out.*


Vikki is the one pacing when Modo and Mrs. Davidson walk in. Mrs. Davidson is as white as Vikki's fur. At the same moment, a doctor walks out of the emergency room. He clears his throat and calls out, "The family of Charleene Davidson?" Mrs. Davidson walks straight for him. Modo goes to Vikki. The second he is close enough, she wraps her arms around him and buries her face in his chest. Modo holds her tightly and kisses the top of her head.
"Shhh." The lump in his throat keeps him from saying anything else.


Throttle follows the sounds of battle after loosing Vinnie. Suddenly, he hears Vinnie yell, "Come on! I'm not even trying!" Vinnie speeds past Throttle, going the opposite direction, and being followed by goons. Throttle spins around and follows the goons. Using missiles, grenades, and his nuc-knucs, Throttle gets rid of the goons. When Throttle catches him, Vinnie yells, "Why'd ya do that for?! I was having fun!"
"This isn't the time, Vincent. We need to get back to the hospital."
"We can't let Limburger get away with this! Charley may be..." Vinnie's voice cracks. "Bro. She may be dying!" Throttle nods slowly.
"I know. I know." Throttle places a hand on Vinnie's shoulder. "First, we take care of Charley," Throttle's voice deepens with hatred. "Then we take care of Limburger."


Greasepit skids into Limburger's office. "Boss! Boss! That dame that's always hanging wid dem mice! She's in the hospital!" Limburger stops and stares.
"Greasepit? Are you sure? How did you find out?"
"Well, Boss, ya see," Greasepit props his left foot on Limburger's desk. "I got this corn here on my big toe and I was asking the doctor there what he could do. He said..."
"Greasepit! Get to the point!"
"I saw 'em wheeling her outta the emergency room. She was asleep and bandaged up real bad. And two a dem meces were there and they looked real sad." Limburger turns to lok out of his window. He rubs his rubber chin thoughtfully.
"Yeah. Uh...Boss? I was thinkin'... maybe we could send some flowers er somethin'?"
"Greasepit, my dear boy. The fact that you actually used that microscopical object you call a brain makes that ridiculous request even more idiotic." Greasepit looks confused.
"Does that mean we can?"
"NO! Now GET OUT!" Limburger starts to pace as Greasepit leaves. "A hospital means bills and bills mean money. That garage of her's can't possibly make enough for them." He walks over to his desk and searches through the drawers. Not finding what he was looking for, Limburger stabs the intercom button with his finger. "Karbunkle? Where's my checkbook?"


Vikki is outside when Throttle and Vinnie return. Throttle senses a fight coming on so he quickly makes his way inside. He was right.
*Vincent! Where have you been?!*
*Never mind. How's Charley?* Vikki glares at her brother.
*You'd know if you had stayed here!* Vinnie ignores her and goes inside for answers. *Bro, we have enough to worry about without you getting yourself captured! Or Worse!* Vinnie points at Vikki ferociously.
*Don't give me a lecture!*
*I wouldn't if you didn't make me! I don't want to loose you, Bro.*
*And I don't want to loose Charley! The Plutarkians have taken everything! My home! My family! My friends! Now they're taking the woman I...* Vinnie stops, stunned by what he was about to say. Vikki, deciding they need privacy, pulls Vinnie into a closet.
*Say it, Bro. If you don't say it now, you might never.* Vinnie stares at his sister.
*I love her. Cheese, Vikki! I love her and she's in there DYING!* Waves of tears fall from Vinnie. Vikki hugs him, trying to comfort him.
Suddenly, the door is opened. An older man in a janitor's uniform stares at them. Luckily, they still have their helmets on. He then reaches for the floor buffer. "Don't worry young'ns. The doctors are doing there best." He walks out and shuts the door.
Vinnie pulls away, trying to compose himself. Vikki puts a hand on his shoulder. *Vinnie. Don't worry. Charley's not dying. It's a mild concussion. The worst that can happen is amnesia and that will likely be temporary.*
*Sis, there's something your not telling me.* Vikki sighs.
*The longer she stays in the coma, the more likely the chance of slight brain damage.*
Vinnie's knees give out on him. *What if she doesn't wake up, ever?*
*She will. It's only a matter of time.* Vinnie's voice cracks.
*How can you be so sure?* Vikki smiles.
*Charley doesn't strike me as the type to give up. On anything.*
Vinnie stands and wipes his eyes. As he starts to leave he turns to Vikki. *Not one word about this.* Vikki smiles.
*I promise. I've been through this too.*


The dim nighttime lighting makes Charley ghostly pale. Vinnie, who isn't looking much better, sits silent at her bedside with her hand between his. His voiceless chant of, "Please. Please. Please," is accentuated by the slow but steady beeps of the heart monitor. Vinnie is suddenly wishing the others hadn't taken Mrs. Davidson to eat. He desperately needs someone to talk to. The door to the room slowly opens and a nurse walks in. He takes some readings then says to Vinnie, "Try talking to her. Some people believe they can hear you, and if she can, it
might bring her around."
Vinnie looks at Charley and softly says, "Well, what have I got to loose? Everyone's real worried about you. None of them wanted to leave but they finally decided to go get a quick bite to eat. Lucky me got to stay here. I mean, I don't mind staying. I'm not hungry anyway. I know what you're probably thinking. 'Vinnie? Not hungry? Must be the end of the world!' Vinnie chuckles lightly. "I guess I'm too worried about you to want food. Hey, Charley... uh, Charleene? Wake up real soon, OK? I'm not sure what I'll do without you. I... I love you. I don't know if you can hear me, but I do love you." Vinnie gently kisses Charley's hand and lays his head on the bed.
Vinnie groans as he lifts his head. He immediately looks to Charley who lays exactly as before. Vinnie streches the crick out of his back.
"I didn't wake you, did I?" Vinnie looks up to see Modo sitting by the window.
*Modo's shift? That means it's nearly morning.* Vinnie stands and streches again. He yawns as he says, "Why didn't Vikki or Throttle wake me?"
"Mrs. Davidson said not to."
Vinnie notices a small bouquet of daisies and sunflowers on the bedside table and a small tag saying, "Get Well Soon," is tied to the vase. "Where'd they come from?"
Modo shrugs. "Don't know. It was on the nurses' desk when I came in. There wasn't a name."
The sun has started to shine through the window. There is a quick rap on the door and Mrs. Davidson comes in, followed by Vikki and Throttle. Mrs. Davidson hands Modo and Vinnie each a square rubber bowl. Inside is scrambled eggs and bacon. A larger bowl is set on the table filled with still-warm homemade cinnamon rolls. Mrs. Davidson starts to pour coffee into cups from a thermos. "Oh! I forgot the cream and sugar."
"That's OK," says Vinnie with a full mouth. (Large swallow.) "I need something strong."
Vinnie hadn't had much of an appetite- until he tried one of the cinnamon rolls. Later he greedily shoves the last one in his mouth.
"Hungry, Bro?" asks Vikki.
"Just trying to make Mrs. Davidson feel better." Mrs. Davidson pats Vinnie's shoulder.
"How many times do I have to tell you? Call me May." Then May and Modo gather up the trash and go to throw it away. Throttle chuckles.
"Why dodn't you let her get a good look at your face. It always makes me laugh." Throttle and Vikki laugh hard. Vinnie just sits down and crosses his arms.
*Very funny.*
*Hilarious really.* Vinnie glares at his sister.
"I hate it when you two do that," complains Throttle. "I know it had to have been good from Vinnie's expression but I don't get to hear it!" That causes the twins to laugh.
Vikki takes a deep breath and suddenly scowls. She walks to the door and opens it. A voice and stench register with the others. The three walk out into the hall to see modo and May, arms crossed, glaring at Limburger. Vikki grabs Vinnie's bandanna to keep him from charging. *This isn't the time.* Vinnie mumbles Martian curses.
Limburger notices the other mice and slowly backs away. "Well, Mrs. Davidson. Please think my offer over and then get back to me." He hurries out of the hospital. Once Limburger is gone, Vinnie almost explodes.
"What did that reeking rottfish want?!"
"What else? The Last Chance." Modo clenches his fists as he says that. May sighs.
"There's one problem. He's right." The others stare at her. "The only way to pay the doctor's bills may be to sell the garage."
"No!" Vinnie shouts. "You can't let him! Not after what he's already done!"
An older nurse walks up and says pertly, "This is a quiet zone, sir. If you don't keep your voice down I will have to ask you to leave." She turns and goes back to her duties. Vinnie mumbles more curses and stomps back to Charley's room. Throttle turns to May.
"Please. Just give us some time to find another way." May smiles and nods and they all go back to Charley's room.
Hours later: they are still looking through the want ads. "Dishwasher needed?" reads Modo. Throttle shakes his head.
"I break more than I wash. Besides, it wouldn't pay enough." Vikki sighs.
"This is going nowhere." Modo chuckles.
"You could always sing." Vikki laughs.
"Yeah. And they would pay to make me stop."
"Kain said your a good singer."
"He also knows how to suck up." Throttle decides to change the subject.
"We could always sell Vinnie's brain to science." Vikki grins.
"They'd never find it." They start to laugh but Vinnie doesn't respond. *Bro?* Vinnie looks up.
*What?* Vikki sighs.
*Never mind.*
May looks up from her newspaper and sighs. "We have to the facts. I have to sell the garage and Limburger is the only one willing to buy it."
"No!" yells Vinnie. "You can't sell it."
"I don't want to sell it and definitely not to Limburger, but I have no choice. There's no other way." May stands and walks out of the room. She didn't want to make the call in front of the mice.
Vinnie screams inside his head. Vikki flinches but nods. "Me too." May walks back in.
"He'll be here in five minutes." This time it's Vikki who storms out of the room. Modo follows her and finds her in the waiting area. She is sitting with her head in her hands. He sits in a chair beside her.
"I can't believe we're letting Limburger get away with this." Modo places his hand on Vikki's shoulder.
"I know, but it's just a building." Vikki turns her head and looks at him with a shocked expression on her face.
"I can't believe what I just heard. Modo that is more than 'just a building'. It's Charley's home and more than that, it's one of the few things that keeps her close to her father. She tries not to show it but that garage is everything to her and to her mom.."
Modo wraps his arms around Vikki's shoulders and his tail around her waist. "I'm sorry. I know. I know."
Suddenly, both of them smell the familiar stench of a Plutarkian and looks up to see Limburger coming through the hospital doors with a lawyer. Limburger smiles triumphantly as he and the lawyer walk past them. Vikki sends a warning to Vinnie and, just as Limburger reaches the door, May and Throttle walk outside. Limburger smiles again and says, "I just wish to give my condolences of this tragedy and say you have made the right decision. All you have to do is sign the papers my lawyer has and I will make out the check." The lawyer immediately starts to rustle through his briefcase and drops it, sending papers everywhere. The lawyer is the only one who makes a move to retrieve the papers. For some reason, Vikki then notices a man walking down that same hall.
The man is only in his thirties but has gray mingling with his jet black hair. He has a golden tan and is wearing a steel gray business suit with a scarlet tie and black shoes.
The man walks right up to May and says, "Mrs. Davidson. This is for you." He hands her a plain envelope then leaves, stepping over the lawyer as if he wasn't even there.
May immediately opens the envelope to find a single piece of paper. The paper has a typed message, reading, "All the medical expenses of Charlene Davidson have been paid in full." and an emblem of an eagle holding the Earth protectively in it's talons in the lower right corner.
May recognizes the emblem and looks to Limburger just as his lawyer finds the correct papers. The lawyer hands May the papers which she takes. "I'm sorry Mr. Limburger but the deal is off." With that, May rips the papers into many small pieces.
Limburger looks at her enraged. "What is the meaning of this?!" Throttle moves closer, unfolding his arms.
"I think it means, you should go now." Both Modo and Vikki have gotten up and moved to beside Throttle by this time.
Limburger definitely does not like the odds. He straightens his tie and clears his throat. "Very well then. Then, more sinisterly, he adds, "You will regret this, rodents." He turns and leaves with his lawyer following while stuffing papers into his briefcase.
Throttle starts to ask what was in that letter, but Vikki gasps and runs into Charley's room. The others follow.
In Charley's room, they find Charley awake and trying to sit up, but Vinnie won't let her. May runs to Charley's side and hugs her gently. "Charlene, dear, you're awake!" Charley smiles weakly.
"Yeah. I guess. What happened?" After a excited explanation Charley speaks up. "One question. Who's Limburger and who are you?"
"Oh NO!" Vinnie falls back into a chair, banging his head on the wall in the process. "OW!!"
Charley giggles. "Just kidding, Vincent. Sorry." Vinnie exhales loudly.
"Don't do that!" Everyone laughs. Vinnie smirks. "Don't do that either." That makes everyone laugh harder, including Vinnie.

The End.